Sponsored Students





With COVID on the wane, Medha members have resumed their visits to our beneficiary organizations in India.

Medha member, Sumona Samanta, visited Udbhash during her recent visit to Kolkata. She spent some time with the students and administrators. One student particularly impressed her. His name is Saurav Sardar. Here’s what Sumona has to say about their meeting:

On a balmy March morning, I met this bright young boy named Sourav Sardar. Over a cup of tea, he shared his academic hopes and dreams.

Sourav travelled over 50 miles to meet me and appeal for financial assistance.

Sourav is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree in Environmental Management at Kalyani University. He is bright, focused and knows who he wants to be when he grows up. He is hopeful of gaining admission into a Ph.D. program. Towards that end, along with his graduate classes, he is preparing for NET, the entrance exam for all Doctoral candidates.

But.. he needs funds. Funds for his Master’s classes. Funds for tutorials that will prepare him for a Doctoral degree.

Sourav wants to become a college professor. His father, the only bread winner of the family, works as daily laborer. Sourav is the first one in his family to finish college!

It is nothing short of a miracle, that he has come this far. With a little help he can go even farther.

We, at Medha, are taking it upon ourselves to help Sourav. We simply must lend our hand to help Sourav achieve his dreams .

Sourav’s success will be Medha’s success. Once he is gainfully employed, his family will be able to cross the poverty line.