Medha was honored to present Scholarship Awards of $1000 each to three deserving college bound students from Trenton High School on June 13, 2024.

Melissa Pacaja, Ifeanyichukwu Kevin Lekwa, and Karly Columna Poblete ( not in photos ) were the three chosen recipients . They impressed us with their GPA and their essays outlining their hopes and academic dreams and their zeal to make a difference . We will follow their progress in life with pride and wish them great success !!

Medha members Sudeshna Majumdar and Malini Banerjee presented the awards. Medha member Tinty Bose is the Vice Principal of Trenton High School and continues to be the facilitator of our involvement in this project.

We are honored to be able to do this !! With your suppprt we can do more !

June 20, 2023

What’s Medha up to this Summer? Well, as bright young students graduate from high school and get ready for college, Medha is right there to help fulfil dreams … with your generosity and support.

Today Medha awarded three scholarships to students from Trenton Central High School. Dominic, Lebron Martin and Robertlyn Boe will be attending Ramapo College and Mercer County College in fall.

Earlier, two students from Constitution High School (Philadelphia)- received Medha’s STEM scholarships. Aliyyah Cameron will be attending North Carolina Agriculture & Technical State University with a major in Nursing in the Fall. Taj Brown will be attending Hampton University with a merit scholarship to pursue Computer Science.

Anyone interested in helping support the dreams of needy college bound students, please donate at:


Trenton School District

MedhaUSA’s initiative to grant Merit Scholarship Award to exceptional students of the Trenton school district. Our goal is to motivate students in New Jersey and help them afford college expenses. We consider their academic potential and aspiration for higher studies, as well as involvement with the community. These young scholars are shining examples of why we should believe in the future. 

MedhaUSA awards annual scholarships to High School graduates enrolled in higher studies based on their academic potential and aspiration for higher studies, as well as in their involvement with community activities.



Ogungbangbe Olushewa

Osei Beneman

Karen Yohana Lorenzo Interiano


Ashanti Knox: We are sincerely touched to see how determined Ashanti is in her pursuit of her dream to attend college and be the first in her family to get a college degree. We want to help her to attend Morgan State University at Maryland, majoring in Business Administration.

Ayouba Swaray: Ayouba attends Trinity College at Hartford, Connecticut. He has a remarkable list of accomplishments and good GPA, but we were most impressed by his tireless commitment to society; his leadership role with school and Trenton Mayor’s office to bring positive impact to his school and the community he lives in.   


Omar Morales

Ashley Salguero

Christopher Field